August 5, 2020 - Art As Resistance

History of art as resistance:

Art has been used for centuries to make commentary on the social and political climate of the day.

From the use of graffiti in Pompeii to protest the treatment of the Lower classes, to the hidden meaning of the illuminated manuscripts of the 12 and 13th centuries, the paintings of the old masters, to Andy Warhol commenting on our consumer culture. Art has always been a powerful tool for both political sides.

People on the wrong side of history have used art. The Nazi’s used art to amazing advantage in their propaganda machine, as well as Union busters of the early 20th Century illustrating Union leaders as sub-humans and traitors.

Art has always played a huge role in politics, and anyone who says otherwise is not paying attention.

Art can inspire, provoke, educate, illuminate and influence. The Greek word Icon, means image. Historically such images were used to tell stories and illustrate ideas to the many people who couldn’t read. These models and techniques have been taken into the modern world and used to invoke ideals of patriotism, isolationism and even genocide.

Art can bring us together, art has power and artists who know how to wield that power can change the world.

From graphic arts, to political cartoons, movies, music, and even more subtle influences like incorporating the American flag in propaganda or the psychological use of manipulative music and even color. Art has been at the forefront of politics since the beginning.

Artists have power:

Artist are one of the few groups of people that can cross social and economic lines easily. From digging their own clay in a potters field to rubbing elbows with the wealthy and powerful, artists have been set apart in many cultures and can easily move through those different worlds.

A picture is worth a 1000 words. With a singe powerful image, an artist can convey an idea that would take hours or longer to articulate. They give a voice to those who have no way to express what they want, be it emotions, ideology or religion. Knowing the right use of color and composition, an artist can evoke emotion.

A song writer can rouse a people to action, a singer can motivate a movement. The counter culture of the 60’s and early 70’s were as much about art and music as it was about social revolution.

Art can do so much!

There are several ways artists can use their creativity to make a statement, to resist. Every artist must look within themselves to understand what their power is, and how best to use it.

Being an artist is a great responsibility and shouldn’t be taken lightly. The more proficient you are in your art, the more influence you might have. After all, influence is power.

On the other hand, you might not want to wield that kind of power and are content with doing your own art, and there’s nothing wrong with that either.

In your face protest!

Of course the most obvious way to use art as resistance is to picture the ugliness of what you’re resisting. In these turbulent times, the artist who are doing the most work in this regard are the political cartoonists.

Graffiti can become resistance art if it is done right. Posters, Memes and even the way we dress can make a statement. If we want to resist, we need to be understood, and art can be one vehicle for that voice.

Create beauty.

In hard times, in times of darkness and uncertainty, the creating of beauty and hope is more important than at any other time. Some of the greatest art has come from times of great turmoil and suffering.

The need to have beauty in a world of darkness and hate is so ingrained in the human psyche that most people don’t even realize the need and can’t articulate what they are missing.

Lack of beauty and culture can cause psychological issues, like depression and anxiety. Why do you feel better after seeing a really great movie or why do you listen to music to help you unwind?

By providing beauty, through visual art, or though song, or in the written word, artists are providing a vital and needed role in society. A society without art and culture is not really a society at all.

Art allows us to feel and express our humanity, it build bridges with our spirituality and empathy. Making art is about the most human thing you can do, creation by self directed will is critical for the world, especially right now.

Art can provide an outlet.

By encouraging people to create, to resist the darkness and destruction with creation and beauty, artists can help heal their own soul and those they touch with their art.

If you’re not making art as a vocation, you are still a valid artist. Not everything has to be for public consumption. Art can exist for the sake of the art, for the sheer value of creation. For the joy of making!

Likewise your art doesn’t have to be beautiful. It can depict ugliness and terror. These things can be cathartic and help to express sublimated fears or anxieties. In short, the is no right or wrong way to art.

Every act of oeuvre, every piece of art, every song sung or poem written fights against the darkness, it resists oppression with creation.

So please don’t stop, don’t let anyone tell you that art is a waste, that art is not valid. Make art, create, change the world, even if it just makes your little corner a better place to be!

Peri Charlifu

Convention Artists Guild Primus.

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